Wednesday, November 9, 2011

and now for something a quite a bit different

So this was something I little different I tried, Davewashere on Rachel's haven wanted a cap of being someone's pet I think this works.

Monday, October 24, 2011

new series coming but here is a cap I did for now


working on a new series hope to be done within the next day or so sorry about the lack of updates

Monday, October 17, 2011


so I got out of the hospital and few days later was back in with severe infection, they thought for awhile my foot was going to need to be amputated.  Thankfully things improved, and I'm back

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Hurt myself really really bad at work the other day, they did some tests on me and it turns out I have a pretty severe tear of peroneal Tendon, and will be have surgery on monday so if I don't posr thats why

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So I have built up a library of images that i plan to use for caps, to my sister in the cap community, if someone else makes a cap from a photo i planned to use, is it cool for me to still use that photo.